Prime Solutions
Audiobook Services
Audiobook continues to rise. Reports indicate that it now out-earns mass-market papernacks. Don't get left behind. Keep up with your readers.
Book Reviews
Book reviews are vital to both readers and writers. It can help validate the worthiness of one's book and increase author's credibility.
Bookstore Fundamentals
Seeing your book being displayed and sold in brick and mortar bookstore is one of the goals of an independent author.
Cinema Advertising
Imagine the visual impact of a video ad of your book on movie theaters. Nothing can beat the big screen for sheer impact and scale.
Showcase your books. Network and learn with the industry bigwigs. These events are attended by the ‘who’s who’ of the publishing world.
Hollywood Book-to-Screen
We have collaborated with a trusted media production to help you get your book in front of agents and movie producers.
Internet-based Marketing
A solid internet presence is crucial to helping potential readers find your book. Most book buyers use the internet every day to find books.
Online Video Advertising
If a photo’s worth a thousand words, then how much more valuable is video?
Print Advertising
Print media is still an incredibly effective content medium for marketing. High-quality tangible goods are simply attention-grabbing.
Printed Materials
Printed marketing materials are an invaluable part of a book promotion. It can help you effectively reach and engage your target readers.
Publicity Marketing
Boost your book's discoverability and visibility. Reach out to local and national media outlets with the help of a professional publicist.
Radio and TV Marketing
One of the advantages of Radio & TV ad is the opportunity to reach mass audiences with a single ad spot. It can provide basic information in a shorter span of time than print media.